Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What a sad little lump...

Poor Kris is still floating :( Every few days he's has a good day and is able to swim, but by nightfall... he's back to floating. I sure was calling it when I said he was another "Hughie" as I went 17 days treating Hughie before he finally kicked the Swim Bladder Disease. I am very happy I took Kris home.

Unsure if we're going to find them new homes, or keep them here. Time will tell. I have a hard time letting go of pets that I put so much hard work into! And well, Jack is still hanging around so I'm getting so used to him being my kitchen buddy. I joked and told my fiance today that Jack is blonde, I should have named him Ken! Either way, both fish are some beautiful.

Tonight I decided to build a Betta hammock for Kris so he has something to rest on. His IAL leaves have sunk.  Mind you, I used zip ties to keep it together, and twist ties to attach it to the side of the tank.

Here's Kris' :)


And for fun, here's my very large Apple Snail and my medium sized Apple Snail in the sorority tank. There's another baby Apple Snail in there too :)

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

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